Post – Vino Vero Venezia
Artist Marie Denis at Vino Vero

The first art window “VETRINA #1” curated by Mara Sartore presents the French artist Marie Denis


Vino Vero in collaboration with Lightbox launches a new series of contemporary art events. Every three months, international artists who celebrate nature through their work, will be invited to present site-specific works in the window of the wine club adjacent to the bar.

The first instalment from September 25th to November 21st presents the French artist Marie Denis, represented by Alberta Pane Gallery, Venice | Paris.

The work of Marie Denis (France, 1972) focuses mainly on the object and the ways it can be reinvented. Her installations and sculptures are inspired by botany, which the artist reinterprets through different media, creating pieces where elements of the universal and the everyday harmoniously converge. The nature Marie Denis presents is sensitive and ever-changing, susceptible to both interpretation and new meanings. Marie Denis’s works are manifested in her ability to study matter, which generates an alienating, taxidermic, transmuted, manipulated and changeable nature that leads to the distance between the real and the artificial.

The artist focuses on processes of reinvention of the object, drawing inspiration from botany to blend everyday and universal elements, emulating a Wunderkammer (chamber of wonders).

Her meticulous collection arouses attention and reflection around the plant world and a biological herbarium that highlights her scientific knowledge and collaborations.

In her work “Spathes”, created in collaboration with the Giovanardi textile company and presented last December at the Alberta Pane Gallery, the artist states: “A meditation on forms and materials. Simplicity to the bone: in the darkroom of steel and aluminium. Coconut blades, engraved aluminium and matt black. The “Spathes” become Blades of Belfagor. The complex and the pure, the black and white of a two-tone nature: the obscure, explicit forms nourished by Eros and Thanatos ”. 


Cari amici,

Siamo lieti di annunciare l’apertura del Wine Shop di Vino Vero.

Uno spazio che in questo periodo sarà riservato ai vostri acquisti di vino dopo le 16.00 fino alle 19.00 per poter comunque continuare a festeggiare.
In futuro questo sarà anche uno spazio speciale riservato a percorsi sensoriali fuori dall’ordinario. I tempi non ci permettono ancora di svelarvi le degustazioni che i nostri Osti stanno preparando per presentarvi la miglior vinificazione spontanea europea e oceanica, ma apriamo le porte del Wine Shop per donarvi il meglio della nostra cantina, adesso aperta a tutti.

Fino alle 19 ci trovate proprio nella bottega affianco al nostro bancone, per venire incontro al vostro desiderio e al vostro palato anche nei giorni di lockdown, tranne il giorno di Natale, offrendovi le migliori bottiglie da trasportare fino al vostro domicilio o per le strenne natalizie dell’ultima ora.

Nel Wine Shop troverete anche le nostre t-shirt e shopper e una cartolina omaggio per i vostri auguri.

Veniteci a trovare, vi aspettiamo.

December 18, 2020 – Vino Vero Venezia
Patrick Uccelli and the Dornach Estate: the land is our origin

Making wine is the political and philosophical manifesto of the winemaker from Salorno (Alto Adige)

December 12, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia