Post December 12, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia
Patrick Uccelli and the Dornach Estate: the land is our origin

Making wine is the political and philosophical manifesto of the winemaker from Salorno (Alto Adige)


The abyss between the noble history of  “Dornach Hof” and Patrick’s humble nature in his approach to wine is the dichotomy on which the history of this winery develops. On the one hand we find an estate that seems to have come straight from the world of fairy tales and royalty, on the other we have a winemaker who comes to this “trade” after years of pilgrimage and active study in the practice of life. This mindset built on subtraction, expectation, observation is the attitude through which Patrick expresses, not just his personal approach to agriculture but, more generally, his being in the world. The hectares at hand, around four, are not only, means for making wine tout court, but to build a positive settlement in a natural context, a system of closed-cycle production and consumption, which Patrick himself expresses as a political manifestation of a fair and healthy lifestyle not only for us, but for the planet itself.


Cari amici,

Siamo lieti di annunciare l’apertura del Wine Shop di Vino Vero.

Uno spazio che in questo periodo sarà riservato ai vostri acquisti di vino dopo le 16.00 fino alle 19.00 per poter comunque continuare a festeggiare.
In futuro questo sarà anche uno spazio speciale riservato a percorsi sensoriali fuori dall’ordinario. I tempi non ci permettono ancora di svelarvi le degustazioni che i nostri Osti stanno preparando per presentarvi la miglior vinificazione spontanea europea e oceanica, ma apriamo le porte del Wine Shop per donarvi il meglio della nostra cantina, adesso aperta a tutti.

Fino alle 19 ci trovate proprio nella bottega affianco al nostro bancone, per venire incontro al vostro desiderio e al vostro palato anche nei giorni di lockdown, tranne il giorno di Natale, offrendovi le migliori bottiglie da trasportare fino al vostro domicilio o per le strenne natalizie dell’ultima ora.

Nel Wine Shop troverete anche le nostre t-shirt e shopper e una cartolina omaggio per i vostri auguri.

Veniteci a trovare, vi aspettiamo.

December 18, 2020 – Vino Vero Venezia
The Archetype of the Dibenedetto Family: the harmony of “less is more” as the art of wine production

Returning to the archetypes, that is, to the natural form of something, is the only way forward in every aspect of our existence.

October 16, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia