Post November 16, 2020 – Vino Vero Venezia
Wine Delivery is Back

Ritorna la consegna a domicilio a Venezia e s’intensificano le spedizioni in tutta Italia


Per tutti gli assetati che desiderano continuare a bere vini naturali anche dopo le 18.00, ritornano le nostre super offerte, scoprile nella sezione Shop Venezia


Italian chef Francesco Paulon in Lisboa

October 10, 2019 – Vino Vero Lisboa
The Archetype of the Dibenedetto Family: the harmony of “less is more” as the art of wine production

Returning to the archetypes, that is, to the natural form of something, is the only way forward in every aspect of our existence.

October 16, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia