Post October 01, 2020
A Moment of Pure Hedonism

Here is all the simplicity of our service: a moment of pure hedonism between a sip and a bite.


Beyond that window, everything else: the study, the research, the dedication and affection to all the winemakers to whom we feel linked by a relationship of trust and support from Venice to Lisboa, passing through all of Continental Europe, including the beloved Islands!

Ecco tutta la semplicità del nostro servizio: un momento di puro edonismo tra un sorso e un morso. Oltre quel vetro tutto il resto: studio, ricerca, dedizione e affezione a tutti i vignaioli ai quali ci sentiamo legati da un rapporti di fiducia e supporto da Venezia a Lisboa, passando per tutta l’Europa Continentale, Isole incluse!

Thank you to @bronzobcn for the photo

Osti per una sera: Stefano Amerighi

“Osti per una Sera”, the program of meetings with wine producers, continues on Thursday 23 January, taking us to Tuscany, with Stefano Amerighi, winemaker in Poggiobello di Farneta, Cortona – AR

January 23, 2020 – Vino Vero Venezia
Artist Elham M. Aghili at Vino Vero

The second art window “VETRINA #2” curated by Mara Sartore presents the Persian/Italian artist Elham M. Aghili

December 02, 2021