Post October 08, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia
Elisabetta Foradori: The Godmother of Biodynamics

The pride of the Dolomites and the simplicity of a winemaker without any unnecessary frilly bits.


Elisabetta has an austere and authoritative presence, when in her presence during a fair or a tasting it feels as if you are within reach of the godmother of biodynamics, she exudes her innate professionalism and sincere sincerity with the utmost respect for herself and her neighbour. Her pride is expressed in the simplicity of a woman without any extras as her beauty is represented all in its authenticity, the result of a living in constant contact with nature.
Thus her wines, sensorial snapshots from the peaks of the Dolomites, are a faithful territorial expression where one is struck by the delicacy and punctuality in each sip, which never betrays the healthiness of a manifest wine of Steiner princes. It is with this view that we are able to understand the recent introduction of vegetable gardens among the vineyards by virtue of Elisabetta’s daughter, Myrtha Zierock, because the vitality of a soil always passes from the biodiversity that extends over it.


Sign this petition so that Venice does not become the world’s biggest museum, with fixed opening and closing times, where people no longer have the right and freedom to live. This trend does not only affect Venice, but all Italian historic centres.

The court of Venice has issued a decree obliging Vino Vero, a natural wine bar with over 1,000 labels, to close early at 11pm. The reason for this is down to a complaint from the tenants on the floor above, according to whom the ‘noise emissions’ coming from the wine bar are intolerable, to the point of compromising their psycho-physical balance.

The judge’s order reads: ‘the anthropic activities connected with the “Vino Vero” restaurant exceed the tolerable threshold of noise emissions (…) even when there are only two people sat at a table and when there are four people on the premises, the noise emissions exceed the threshold of normal tolerability’.

We are faced with a huge paradox: if just two people sitting at a table having a glass of wine is a problem, then the activity of any venue or restaurant operating after 11pm in Venice becomes illegal.

The message which comes across is that Venice after 11pm should close and its inhabitants should stay at home under a curfew, because then even the normal passage of boats and people becomes a disturbance.

A city that closes at 11 p.m. is no longer a city.

July 18, 2023 – Vino Vero Venezia
Artist Lupo Borgonovo at Vino Vero

Yelloween, 2022
7 December – 12 February 2023

November 30, 2022