New Shop On-line
June 19, 2024

Can two people sitting at a table cause noise to such an extent that it is not considered tolerable and this lead to the closure of only one wine bar?

The Court of Venice has said no! In fact, it assessed that given the specificity of the context and the conditions leading to noise emissions, it is not possible to determine the source of the noise.

The court’s decision also took into account the recent regulatory changes adopted by the Venice City Council, which set precise limitations on the hours of operation of establishments in the area of Fondamenta della Misericordia.

The court, in light of all this, considered Vino Vero’s earlier closing time to be unjustified and therefore upheld the complaint and reformed the order in question.

Vino Vero thus returns to its usual hours: closing at midnight every day except Friday and Saturday, when it closes at one o’clock.

We are happy that we can continue to do our work, with the professionalism that has always characterised us. We love Venice and we do not want this city to become a museum with fixed and predetermined opening and closing times.

Precisely because we love and live in Venice, we know how important residents’ need for tranquillity and rest is, and – with profound respect for this – we felt that this was a good opportunity to ask ourselves about the future we want – as citizens – for Venice and the historic centres of many Italian cities, with the aim of activating a positive, participatory public dialogue.

Vino Vero is not just a wine bar, we cultivate culture and we want to continue to do so. Thank you all for supporting us so far: we have won, but we want to continue to fight so that Venice remains a city which is alive beyond mere tourism. That is why it is important to continue collecting signatures, to show that there are many of us who want Venice to stay alive.

August 07, 2023 – Vino Vero Venezia

Sign this petition so that Venice does not become the world’s biggest museum, with fixed opening and closing times, where people no longer have the right and freedom to live. This trend does not only affect Venice, but all Italian historic centres.

The court of Venice has issued a decree obliging Vino Vero, a natural wine bar with over 1,000 labels, to close early at 11pm. The reason for this is down to a complaint from the tenants on the floor above, according to whom the ‘noise emissions’ coming from the wine bar are intolerable, to the point of compromising their psycho-physical balance.

The judge’s order reads: ‘the anthropic activities connected with the “Vino Vero” restaurant exceed the tolerable threshold of noise emissions (…) even when there are only two people sat at a table and when there are four people on the premises, the noise emissions exceed the threshold of normal tolerability’.

We are faced with a huge paradox: if just two people sitting at a table having a glass of wine is a problem, then the activity of any venue or restaurant operating after 11pm in Venice becomes illegal.

The message which comes across is that Venice after 11pm should close and its inhabitants should stay at home under a curfew, because then even the normal passage of boats and people becomes a disturbance.

A city that closes at 11 p.m. is no longer a city.

July 18, 2023 – Vino Vero Venezia
Artist Lupo Borgonovo at Vino Vero

Yelloween, 2022
7 December – 12 February 2023

November 30, 2022
I Quattro Elementi – Degustazioni guidate da Ronny Steffen
November 15, 2022
Artist Lilla Tabasso at Vino Vero

“Rumore / Noise”, 2022
11 September – 10 December 2022

October 21, 2022
Vino Vero in Lisbon opens at lunch time

From Thursday to Saturday Vino Vero in Lisbon opens at lunchtime offering a wide range of small plates and bites to start your day.

Come and visit us, to book a table call: +351 218863115

May 16, 2022 – Vino Vero Lisboa
Vino Vero Pop – Up / Menu

During the opening days of the 59th Venice Biennale, Vino Vero will be taking over a casual and natural wine bar and restaurant at Venice Meeting PointNavy Officer’s Club at the Arsenale.

Vino Vero will be open from 12.30 pm to 8.30 pm serving its fine natural wine selection, signature cicchetti and special seasonal dishes prepared by Vino Vero resident Chef Lorenzo Barbasetti.


Find Vino Vero Pop-Up

April 11, 2022 – Vino Vero Venezia
Artist Matilde Sambo at Vino Vero

“Sottile Instabilità / Subtle Instability”, 2022 Soya leather and acacia thorns 3 March – 29 May 2022

March 02, 2022 – Vino Vero Venezia
Artist Elham M. Aghili at Vino Vero

The second art window “VETRINA #2” curated by Mara Sartore presents the Persian/Italian artist Elham M. Aghili

December 02, 2021
Artist Marie Denis at Vino Vero

The first art window “VETRINA #1” curated by Mara Sartore presents the French artist Marie Denis

– Vino Vero Venezia

In Venice we have a new tasting space which cn host up to 10 people for special private tasting evening.

Special food dishes will be prepared to pair with the wine we will select for you tailoring special wine itineraries.

If you are interested in booking a special tasting please write to our communication agency and they will arrange for you your special night.

August 30, 2021 – Vino Vero Venezia
Vino Vero in order to expand its activities in Venice is looking for waiters and bartenders. We offer a good salary and great working shifts.
The candidates must have:
Previous experience in the food & beverage sector;
Fluency in English and preferably also French knowledge;
Minimum knowledge of the wine field and willingness to improve it;
Excellent customer relations skills;
Seriousness and punctuality;
Cared appearance.
If interested, please send CVs to
November 15, 2022 – Vino Vero Venezia

to reserve a table in Lisbon: we only accept table reservations by phone +351 218863115 every day from 5pm.


In Venice we don’t accept reservations, but come and visit and we will find you a table in the shortest time possible.

August 30, 2021
We are open!

Dear friends,

We are finally reopening today, with bated breath in the hope that this is not a parenthesis, but a reconciliation without end.

Having made a round of phone calls, we are pleased in the knowledge that the majority of our counterparts have found ways of reopening, however, the sadness lingers on for those who unfortunately have to remain closed.

New regulations require us to adapt our service somewhat, we will no longer be serving at the counter, instead, we will provide table service with a newly created series of dishes to accompany your lunches and dinners on the waterfront.

Furthermore, it will now be possible to reserve a table by calling us on +39 041 2750044.

We’re looking forward to seeing you soon!

April 26, 2021

Cari amici,

Siamo lieti di annunciare l’apertura del Wine Shop di Vino Vero.

Uno spazio che in questo periodo sarà riservato ai vostri acquisti di vino dopo le 16.00 fino alle 19.00 per poter comunque continuare a festeggiare.
In futuro questo sarà anche uno spazio speciale riservato a percorsi sensoriali fuori dall’ordinario. I tempi non ci permettono ancora di svelarvi le degustazioni che i nostri Osti stanno preparando per presentarvi la miglior vinificazione spontanea europea e oceanica, ma apriamo le porte del Wine Shop per donarvi il meglio della nostra cantina, adesso aperta a tutti.

Fino alle 19 ci trovate proprio nella bottega affianco al nostro bancone, per venire incontro al vostro desiderio e al vostro palato anche nei giorni di lockdown, tranne il giorno di Natale, offrendovi le migliori bottiglie da trasportare fino al vostro domicilio o per le strenne natalizie dell’ultima ora.

Nel Wine Shop troverete anche le nostre t-shirt e shopper e una cartolina omaggio per i vostri auguri.

Veniteci a trovare, vi aspettiamo.

December 18, 2020 – Vino Vero Venezia
Wine Delivery is Back

Ritorna la consegna a domicilio a Venezia e s’intensificano le spedizioni in tutta Italia

November 16, 2020 – Vino Vero Venezia
A Moment of Pure Hedonism

Here is all the simplicity of our service: a moment of pure hedonism between a sip and a bite.

October 01, 2020

Entrega de vinhos em Lisboa

– Vino Vero Lisboa

A Venezia e in tutta Italia, fate il vostro ordine


– Vino Vero Venezia
Vino Vero is closed but we deliver wine in Lisbon
March 24, 2020 – Vino Vero Lisboa
Francesco Guccione: the Prince of Catarratto

The mansion of Francesco Guccione in San Cipirello is a beautiful and happy place in the vibrant hills of Palermo.

February 01, 2020 – Vino Vero Venezia
Vincenzo Angileri, Viteadovest: The Man, The Maceration, The Generosity

Marsala, in the Sicilian province of Trapani, is an area that stands out for being flat and linear for the most part.

Vittorio Graziano: wines to get ones teeth in to 

Podere Cipolla: the heroic Lambrusco of Castelvetro (Modena)

December 12, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia
Patrick Uccelli and the Dornach Estate: the land is our origin

Making wine is the political and philosophical manifesto of the winemaker from Salorno (Alto Adige)

December 12, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia
Franco Terpin: The friendly giant from Collio

 Wines that reflect the seasons from which they were fed

December 11, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia
Lusenti: the elegance of Piacenza region

“My wine is the fruit of the generations that preceded me and of the region in which I live”

October 21, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia
Nicola Gatta: don’t call it Franciacorta!

“Enhancing the region, with the aim of obtaining wines that represent it without compromise”.

October 16, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia
The Archetype of the Dibenedetto Family: the harmony of “less is more” as the art of wine production

Returning to the archetypes, that is, to the natural form of something, is the only way forward in every aspect of our existence.

October 16, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia
Elisabetta Foradori: The Godmother of Biodynamics

The pride of the Dolomites and the simplicity of a winemaker without any unnecessary frilly bits.

October 08, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia
Arianna Occhipinti: Ragusa Revival

The intensity of a woman and her land translated into wine

Pedro Marques: the Portuguese Wave of Renewal

The courage to enact a big shift in family business: from quantity to quality.

“Il Ceo”: Breganze’s Slender Sip

The spontaneity of youth in every gesture and in his every smile.

September 20, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia
Tiago Teles: Human and Floral Roots on the Atlantic Ocean

A master of ax by tradition, winemakers by vocation.

September 17, 2019 – Vino Vero Lisboa
Selvadolce: Clarity and Perfection in Bordighera

Aris reflects the Mediterranean nature of his land

September 13, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia
Aldo Viola: the Shock of Alcamo

A positive wave of ‘Sicilianity’ and rurality with a lively and intense personality.

September 13, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia
The Masiero Family: Excellence and Generosity in Trissino

Working to increase soil fertility and the biodiversity of the vineyards

September 13, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia
Mylène Bru: The Rhythm of Languedoc-Roussillon

No fussy formalities, just pure and simple energy and earthly generosity in each glass

September 05, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia
Simona and Alex Klinec: Art of Wine in the Heart of Medana

Not only a wine cellar, neither just a farmhouse… a point of reference for those traveling along the Slovenian Collio 

September 12, 2019 – Vino Vero Venezia